Our mission at Grey
Street United Church “To respond to God’s grace, as disciples of Jesus, by celebrating worship in inspiring ways and to reach out to one another and our community in loving service.”
Values and Beliefs
To this end, we will strive to involve all ages in:
- Providing creative and meaningful worship involving the congregation at all levels, wherein all members, new and old, feel welcome.
- Developing and maintaining a youth ministry that is appealing to the young people in the church and one that is always sensitive to and flexible in the pursuit of meeting their particular needs.
- Fostering an awareness of the Pastoral concerns of our congregation, so as to nurture a faithful, accepting fellowship that ministers to the needs of each other.
- Developing an awareness of local and global issues, so that as a congregation we may respond within our community as God would have us do.
- Equipping our lay leadership with the additional training and skills they may need to meet their ministry.
- Providing Christian Education programs for everyone, wherein growth in the faith and as individuals can happen.